Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thomas Family Coat of Arms


Post by- Mary Thomas Nielson 

I was born of goodly parents in 1943, the first girl and second child in a family of ten.
                My father was a loyal British subject who later became a US citizen.  His British roots were strong.  He was cultured and refined.  He liked the idea of the traditional Thomas Family “Coat of Arms”, but preferred to create a new one, unique to our family, which he commissioned an artist to paint.  It hung in our home to remind us of three qualities that our parents wanted us to value:  “Dignity, Knowledge and Loyalty”.  This  family “motto” nourished the roots of my love for God, people and wisdom.
                Dignitas: (Dignity)  Although there was a “royal  line” in my father’s family he dismissed it as nothing, and taught us that all people are of royal birth as sons and daughters of God.  My parents loved and served those around them and never sought to be part of any “elite” group.  This helped us to accept differences and to not put ourselves above others.
                Scientia:  (Knowledge) My parents were seekers of truth and knowledge.  Father’s library was filled with great books.  He was an Engineer, mathematician, scientist, inventor and a philosopher. He was knowledgeable about astronomy, and would teach us about the constellations, the vastness of the universe and the evidence of God.  He loved the scriptures and taught us how to use them to find “Light and Truth”.  In addition to his scientific books and magazines, he liked to read Emerson and sometimes would share with us excerpts from “The Screwtape Letters”, by C.S. Lewis.   Often on Sundays, he would pose a question to us, and draw us into marvelous discussions about the world, science and gospel principles. He was an optimist.   He believed in the great power of faith to edify and enlighten the mind.  He was empowered by faith,  and it was his driving force throughout his life.
                Obseqium : (Devotion, love, loyalty)  We were taught to love each other and to speak kindly of one another in our family.  We were taught to love our neighbor as we watched and helped our parents serve in our neighborhoods;   but the deep roots of our love stemmed from our devotion to God.  My parents were people of great FAITH.  I never doubted their Faith and they never wavered. Trials came and went…Faith was constant.  Blessings were plenty.  Each was remembered and thanksgiving was always expressed.
I thank my father and mother for creating our personal “family Coat of Arms”, for making it visual and placing it in our home.  I thank them for putting God and family first in their lives.  I thank them for being seekers of light and truth in every way. .  I thank them for holding fast to the values they knew to be true, and for enduring to the end.   I thank them for their unwavering Faith that brought peace and joy into our lives.  We love you!  Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Linda's Latest said...

That's interesting! As much as I was over at your house I never knew that the coat of arms was one Uncle Jack had it made just for your family. It was interesting to read about what it means. Thanks.