Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beautiful Helen Louise our 6th

Helen Louise was born at Good Samaritan hospital in Phoenix Feb.26, 1952. 

When Jack and Ada were married, Jack gave her a wedding ring with six diamonds. They decided that six children would make a lovely family, and now they had 3 boys and 3 girls. All was perfect in 1952.

 They were now living in Phoenix at 5120 N. 13th place. Jack had a good job at Reynolds Metals and had purchased and developed into lots, some land at 16th street and Rose Lane in Phoenix, where they planned on building a new home.  

Mary, Malen, John, Stephen, Carol, Helen and their Daddy

Posted by PicasaMary had 3 brothers surrounding her in the family, and was delighted to have another sister, even though there was a great age difference...Carol and Helen were fun to tend.
 Helen at 15 months
 She loved the rocking horse and her doll at age 2.
 Carol and Helen---Best Friends

Almost 3 years old
 Helen liked to imagine she was Davy Crockett and loved to play outdoors when the family moved to Prescott.

 At our home in Prescott 1956- almost 5.
 And now she is 8 years old, and living in Phoenix at 3445 N. Valencia Lane.
 Growing 14.

 And 15...what a beauty.
We love you Helen.


Linda's Latest said...

Mary, I am sooo glad you sent me the email to look at your blog. I LOVE IT!!! These are things that I didn't know.

I loved doing things with Helen when we moved to Phoenix. Happy Birthday, Helen!

Linda's Latest said...

I just finished reading the rest of the blog and I never knew your mother was born in Blackfoot. That is just 1/2 hour drive from where I live! Interesting!